401 # The benefactor.

Mad men
Season 2.Episode 3
The benefactor.
- Roger: Cooper thought it showed initiative. So you're in here now. I'm smiling. What do you want?

- Harry Crane:
Well... I guess, for one thing, I think that we should have a television department. All the other agencies have them. And I think I should run it.

- Roger:
You're now the head of the Television Department, which is comprised solely of you. Anything else?

- Harry Crane:
Well, actually... I think I deserve a raise.

- Roger:
And I think... you've already received a sizable reward. Let's not get greedy.

- Harry Crane:
I'm not being greedy.

- Roger:
Are you arguing with me? How much do you make?

- Harry Crane:
$200 a week.

- Roger:
Plus drinks. Give me a number.

- Harry Crane:
How about 310?

- Roger:
No one makes that around here. Not even close. How about two and a quarter? Say yes.

- Harry Crane: 