419 # Walk like as man

The sopranos
Season 6 part II. Episode 05
Walk like as man
-Tony: I need to give this back to you. I can't keep it. Well, there were a couple of guys, I don't know, Arabs, Arabians maybe.They used to hang around the Bing,and somebody I knew... may have did some business with them.

-Agent Godard:
At the port?

-Agent Harris:
You were saying.

- Tony:
The point is, they used to be around... all the time, these two, drinking and trying to tit-fuck the girls, whatever. And then suddenly, they disappeared, and I mean completely. And then a week or so ago, I'm driving, and I see them... with these other guys... with the headgear and the beard and the whole fundamental bit. But there's nothing illegal there, right?

-Agent Harris:
What were they doing?

- Tony: 