Mad men
Season 4.Episode 1
Public relations.
- Interviewer: On the creative side, anyway. What made you think of this idea?
-Don: I wanted it to be indistinguishable from the movies. I wanted people to be watching it and say, "What's happening in the story right now? Oh! It's something else."
It's not an ad. At least not for the first 30 seconds of it.
- Interviewer: Very good, then. I think I have all I need. It's only a few hundred words, but on the bright side, the picture may be bigger than the article
-Don: I wanted it to be indistinguishable from the movies. I wanted people to be watching it and say, "What's happening in the story right now? Oh! It's something else."
It's not an ad. At least not for the first 30 seconds of it.
- Interviewer: Very good, then. I think I have all I need. It's only a few hundred words, but on the bright side, the picture may be bigger than the article