451 # Tomorrowland

Mad men
Season 4.Episode 13

-Henry: Why did you fire her?

Because I don't trust her judgment. What did she say?

She said you wouldn't give her a letter of recommendation. How long did the woman work for you? I know she doesn't steal. What did she do? And don't tell me it's just about the neighbor boy.

Sally is not allowed to see him.

Carla said he's her friend.

"Carla said." "Carla said"?

I don't understand what you're doing. You didn't want to move because you wanted the kids to have some stability, and then you get rid of their nanny since they were born?

I wanted a fresh start, okay? I'm entitled to that.

There is no fresh start! Lives carry on!

Jesus, Henry, just once could you take my side?

No one's ever on your side, Betty.