The wire
Season 5.Episode 1
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-McNulty: - It's not true.
-Dozerman:- I haven't even told it yet.
-McNulty: -Whatever it is, it's not true.
-Dozerman:- You were on a vice undercover one time, and instead of pulling up, you went ahead and closed the deal. I read this report where you got blowed by this whore and you actually wrote it that you got blowed.-McNulty:-You believe everything you read?
-Dozerman: -You know, I heard a story about you, when I was back in the West.
-McNulty: - It's not true.
-Dozerman:- I haven't even told it yet.
-McNulty: -Whatever it is, it's not true.
-Dozerman:- You were on a vice undercover one time, and instead of pulling up, you went ahead and closed the deal. I read this report where you got blowed by this whore and you actually wrote it that you got blowed.-McNulty:-You believe everything you read?