154 # Uncorfirmed reports

The wire
Season 5.Episode 2
Uncorfirmed reports.

- Gus: -So we got a poor black kid in a wheelchair with no ticket. He rolls himself from somewhere in West Baltimore to to "the shadow of he mighty brick-faced coliseum known as Oriole Park, "listening to the cheers from the crowd, which told the whole tale." We're gonna give good play to a 13-year-old known only as EJ, who declines to give his name because he skipped school, he's got no parents, he lives with his aunt.  I'm not saying that this kid isn't everything you say he is, but, Scott, damn, as an editor, I need a little more to go on if I'm gonna fly this thing.

-Scott:- I resent the implication.

- Gus: -I'm not implying anything. I'm on your side. But the standard for us has to be 

- James Whiting:-Scott, just finished your story. Good read. I'm putting it out front. I think you've really captured the disparity of the two worlds in this city in a highly readable narrative. I wouldn't change a word.

- Scott:- Thanks, but I'm not sure everyone shares your enthusiasm.

- Gus: -Jim, aren't you just a little bit concerned that we don't even have a last name for this kid? I thought we held ourselves up to a It's not an ideal situation, no, but the boy's reluctance to give his last name clearly stems from his fear of being discovered as a truant.

- James Whiting:- You have a problem with it? 

- Gus: -A little bit, yeah. I'm just saying that the standards that

- James Whiting:- I think we're on terra firma here.

- Gus: -Gotcha.