155 # Not for attribution

The wire
Season 5.Episode 3
Not for attribution.

-Bunk: -So you string together Barlow's murder and Cole's unconnected case and yours, which is natural to begin with Instant serial killer, which I thought would get the brass to begin kicking out some money to work real cases.

-McNulty:- Like Marlo.

-Bunk:- Like Marlo. 

-Freamon:-Shit like this actually goes through your fucking brain?

-Bunk:- Yeah. If you don't want to listen to your partner, then listen to Lester, he has the wisdom you need.

-Freamon:-Joke of it is, no one gives a fuck about a serial killer, not unless he's carving up some pretty co-ed or some shit. Sun papers put the story in their back pages. You fucked up.

-Bunk:- Yeah.Tell him.

-Freamon:-No. I mean, if you want to do it right, a straight-up strangle's not enough. Not if it's some vagrant. Sensationalize it. Give the killer some fucked-up fantasy, something bad, real bad. It's got to grip the hearts and minds, give the people what they want from a serial killer.

-Bunk:- Lester, what the fuck?

-Freamon: - No. You're onto something. I only need a few weeks to pull down Marlo Stanfield.
You fly this mess right, you can give it to me. Who gives a damn if we fake a couple of murders that we're never gonnasolve, huh?  The dead men don't care. No one cares. But if it's gonna get the bosses to throw down enough coin to do police work

-Bunk:I'm out. I'm outta here.

-Freamon: - We got to give your killer a name.

-McNulty:-We have to kill again.