159 # Took

The wire
Season 5.Episode 7

-Gus: -You see what I have a problem with, right? The first-person is one thing. I know he needs to put himself in the story It's essential. But this business about him being out there day and night with the homeless, I mean, this stuff about sharing their "darkest corners with them," He's writing more as an essayist. We've got a column from Olesker, front metro. I mean, it's pretty powerful without being purple. But this stuff that Scott's written, it makes it sound like he's been living with the homeless for weeks. He spends one night under the JFX, another half-day quoting people in a homeless shelter. It ain't exactly Studs Terkel.

-Klebanow:- You don't think the piece should run as it is?

-Gus: I mean, we have him interviewed about the call from the killer in Alma's mainbar, we have
his quotes but the rest of this stuff, he's acting like he's taking his life in his hands, he walks another highway at night? I mean, this is our fucking city. This ain't Beirut.