160 # Clarifications

The wire
Season 5.Episode 8

-Gus:- Scott. I'm spiking your lead. I'm not running a story about a public gathering, a candlelight vigil at City Hall, in fact, where the lead anecdote and quote is from an unnamed homeless woman.
-Scott: -She doesn't want to be known as homeless. I explained that.
-Gus:- Scott, there were hundreds of homeless down there tonight. People who voluntarily attended this event. And I'd guess that any number of them would've let you put their names in the paper.
-Scott:- But her story is great. Look at that quote.
-Gus:- It's a perfect quote. Best quote I could ever ask for. That's my concern at this point.
-Scott:- Jesus Christ. To hell with you if you think I made it up.
-Gus: -We have a standard that we follow here. I'm gonna follow it.