161 # Late editions

The wire
Season 5.Episode 9
Late editions.

-Landsman:- Ya see that, McNulty? Ya see it? One detective, working the file, running a few things down and bang He's got an arrest. Shit, now that Chris Partlow's locked up, we might have some witnesses coming forward on those cases in the vacants.

-McNulty:- Clear 'em all on paper. 

-Landsman:- We got the one is all, boss. One today, more tomorrow. And from what? From the Bunk just workin' a file. Business as usual. But you With your overtime and your cars and your surveillance detail and your bullshit, where the fuck are you on your red ball? Nowhere.

-McNulty:- Killer stopped calling. Stopped killing, too. I admit it. I'm nowhere.

-Landsman: -From everything we've given you, fire should be shooting out your ass, but no, there you sit like a genital wart. C'mon, McNulty. Show me something. 

-Greggs: -So what are you gonna do now? Keep half a district worth of manpower on the street, chasing bullshit? It'll wind down. No more killing, no more disappearances, no more calls.

-McNulty:- Marlo is in cuffs.

-Greggs:- Fuck Marlo. Fuck you.