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The wire
Season 5.Episode 10

-R.Pearlman: -We can grand jury Gary diPasquale tomorrow, along with that one-party
consent call. Or here's the deal. No court trials. Partlow pleads to all the bodies in the vacants and takes life, no parole. We'd want the second shooter, too, but Pearson's beyond that now. Metcalf and Wagstaff plead to possession with intent. Stanfield takes ten years on conspiracy.

- Levy:- You're blackmailing an officer of the court. The moment you came in here and offered that quid pro quo, you were guilty of obstruction of justice.

-R.Pearlman: -You're right. I could get six to eight years. And for bribery of a state's attorney and the violation of grand jury secrecy, you could see 10 to 12. I'll be out a couple of years before you, Maury. You come home, first round's on me, I guess.

- Levy: -So you'll let me walk to keep this case out of open court? That file
must be dirty as hell. Huh? The conspiracy charge on Stanfield falls without the cellphones and you and I both know that if someone does some digging, they're gonna find an illegal wiretap and you're gonna lose the phones.

-R.Pearlman: -Everhart, 274, Maryland 459 or Ceccolini, 435, US, 268. Lying cops don't automatically kill a case.

- Levy:- But that's a lot of risk on appeal. And a lot of dirt for your office to show. No. You're scared of the light. Partlow takes his chances on the legit murder charge only. The conspiracy count goes and Stanfield and the rest walk.

-R.Pearlman: -Stanfield walks but the case goes on the stet docket, not dismissed
outright. And, although I can tell you there are people in this city who can't tolerate a scandal at this particular moment, that dynamic changes after November.

- Levy:-The election.

-R.Pearlman: -After November, no one is going to care as much about showing dirt.
If Carcetti wins, he's in Annapolis. If he loses, he's an incumbent mayor who can take a hit or two. So tell Mr.Stanfield that this is his only window. Partlow pleads to all the murders and both lieutenants plead to the drugs. Then Stanfield retires. He's done.